
Contribute to SecureDrop

SecureDrop is a free and open-source project and is built on contributions from the community.

Join the community

Feel free to ask and answer questions about SecureDrop in our forum and chatroom.

Community Forum

Ask questions about installing and using SecureDrop in the community forum.

Development Chatroom

If you'd like to discuss SecureDrop development or documentation, join our public chatroom.

Contribute code and documentation

We love open source contributions.

GitHub Repository

View our source code and documentation on GitHub. Issues tagged "good first issue" are appropriate for first-time contributors, and issues labeled "help wanted" are issues of varying difficulty that we would definitely like to see a Pull Request for. These labels are just there to guide you; feel free to comment on any issues that interest you.

We also love bug reports, which you can file by opening a new issue on GitHub.

Getting Started

If you're a developer, check out our Contributing Guide guide for developers.

If you're interested in writing documentation, check out our Documentation Guidelines.

Report Security Issues

SecureDrop is the gold standard for secure source communication.

Bug Bounty Program

If you want to report a security issue, please use our bug bounty hosted by Bugcrowd. Researchers can get up to a $2,500 reward for finding security vulnerabilities in SecureDrop.

Translate SecureDrop

If you understand a language other than English, please help translate SecureDrop.

Getting Started

Check out our translator guide.

Translations Portal

Sign up for our translations portal and start translating!